Who are the people under the hoods of MetaDB?

We are a group of developers and web designers passionate about web and technology, with years of on-field experience in the development of websites and web applications. We work in Italy, in Turin, under the signature of Polarity Bit.

Over the years we have gained a lot of experience regarding Big Data Analysis,working on various private projects related to this sector, gaining experience in large installations of Mysql, and developing another free project, called Lyromatic,which is an aggregator of song lyrics with analysis of rhymes and statistics on the words most used by the Authors. Want to check out Lyromatic? We are pleased :)

How can I support you?

MetaDB รจ un progetto scritto e mantenuto nel tempo libero dal team di Polarity Bit. Essendo questo un progetto di natura non commerciale, non abbiamo molto tempo per investirci, se non quelle porche ore strappate con fatica dal lavoro quotidiano e dagli impegni familiari.

If you want to contribute to the growth and expansion of MetaDB,we invite you to help us through our "Support us" page. We thank you for any contribution you want to make.

Where did the idea of MetaDB come from?

MetaDB was born as a simple tool for creating sitemaps of a website, checking all links within the same site, and associating a priority based on rules defined when setting up the sitemap.

From that base, we realized that MetaDB could do much more. At that point, out of curiosity, we tried to spin it on the homepages of the most popular websites, with the aim of checking the relationships between these sites. Do they link to each other? If so, how many times? What other sites are linked?

We checked that the idea was working, and decided to continue to focus only on homepages starting from the assumption that website homepages only contain outbound links to "friends" sites that are of great importance to the site itself.

After that, we started collecting some statistical data on the analyzed homepages, starting from the technologies used. We then extended MetaDB's scope, using a sample of starting websites a little wider than the first... and we found that the idea was working! Since then, MetaDB has grown larger and bigger, until this first release that is still in Beta.

What can I do with data exported from MetaDB?

The data collected by MetaDB can be used without any constraint: with the published data you can write articles, share charts, tweets, infographics, make reasoning and considerations...
The information contained in MetaDB is mainly aimed at professionals in the web sector, bloggers and influencers in the world of science and technology, but we are curious to know your creativity: in what other fields will you be able to implement them?

Data published by MetaDB is licensed CC BY 4.0 - Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. If you are free to use data, statistics, graphs and everything on this site, but you must follow the instructions on the Data Usage page. It is also necessary to specify the attribution link.

Can MetaDB collect other types of data?

Absolutely yes.
The heart of MetaDB is a web crawler,which aggregates and analyzes statistics only after creating "the map" of relationships between sites. The system is therefore modular, in the sense that first you create the map of sites, and "in the meantime" the same are passed to the various workers for the analysis of peculiarities.
Potentially, therefore, any data that can be seen from the simple HTML code or response headers of the server of a web page can be aggregated and published on MetaDB.

MetaDB can also analyze other pages besides the homepage. There is no technical impediment to removing the "filter" that limits MetaDB to moving only between homepages. Anyway, for the kind of census statistics we have in mind, this is not necessary. But, in case special requests come from the community that we think are useful to everyone, we can consider expanding their behavior!